藝術家Robert Atkinson FOX (1860-1935) 生平簡歷

出生地: Toronto, Canada

地址: Phila., 1900; NJ, 1903; Chicago

职业: Painter, illustrator

教育: Ontario SA, Toronto, with J.W. Bridgman (4 years).

展出: Phila. AC, 1898

会员: Phila. AC.

评论: From 1900 until his death in 1935, millions of this commercial artist"s color photolithographic reproduction prints were consumed by the American middle class. He painted more than 1,000 works, and his styles and subjects varied widely, featuring cows, horses, dogs, Native Americans, bucolic landscapes ó even Maxfield Parrish look-alikes. In addition to his own name, he signed with at least 26 known pseudonyms, and perhaps 18 more. Among these were L.H. Banks, John Colvin; Dupre, Arthur De Forest, Charles N. Wainright, L. Capelli, G. Blanchard Carr, George W. Turner, Edward Musson, George W. White, and Elmer Lewis.

来源: WW01; P&H Samuels, 175; Ivankovitch, 80
