藝術家Katherine Allmond HULBERT (1859-1937) 生平簡歷

出生地: Sacramento Valley, CA

地址: Detroit, MI, active 1889-91; NYC; South Egremont, MA

职业: Painter, illustrator

教育: San Fran. Sch. Des.; NAD; with J.W. Stimson.

展出: Detroit Artists Assoc., 1891; PAFA, 1895-98, 1902; NAD, NYWCC, Boston AC, 1897-98; Detroit Inst. of Art, 1908; NAWA, 33rd annual; AIC; S. Indp. A., 1917

会员: Salma. Cl.; NAWA; Brooklyn PS; Pittsfield (Mass.) AL.

工作: Lib., Girls H.S. Brooklyn

评论: Married to Charles A. Hulbert (see entry) in 1893. Position: instr., Artist-Artisan Inst., NYC; teacher, Univ. of Washington, 3 years; Detroit, 3 years.

来源: WW40; Gibson, Artists of Early Michigan, 140; Falk, Exh. Record Series.
