藝術家Anni VON BALDAUGH (1881-1953) 生平簡歷

出生地: Holland

死亡地点: El Cajon, CA

地址: San Francisco, CA; NYC; Corona, CA; Los Angeles, CA; North San Diego, CA

职业: Painter

教育: Arendsen, Holland; Zaschke, Vienna; von Kunowsky, Munich; …cole des Beaux-Arts, Paris.

展出: LACMA, 1922 (gold); watercolor, Phoenix, AZ, 1923 (prize); Pomona, CA, 1926 (prize); Riverside, CA, 1927 (prizes); AIC; Santa Cruz, 1928 (prize); San Diego, 1928 (prize); Calif. Soc. Min. Painters, 1929 (prize); FA Gal., San Diego, 1930 (prize), 1934 (prize), 1935 (prize), 1936 (prize); Pasadena, 1932 (prize).

会员: CAFA; Beaux-Arts, Paris; Book Plate Assn. Int.; San Diego FAS; Calif. WCC; Calif. Soc. Min. Painters; Laguna Beach AA.

工作: FA Gal., San Diego; San Diego Museum

评论: Born into an affluent Dutch family, she spent her early years in the Dutch West Indies, where her father represented the Dutch government. She immigrated to the U.S. shortly before WWI.

来源: WW40; WW25; Hughes, Artists in California, 31, who states her year of birth as 1881; Trenton, ed. Independent Spirits, 75, 80, 86.
