藝術家Alfred Heber HUTTY (1877-1954) 生平簡歷

出生地: Grand Haven, MI

死亡地点: Woodstock, NY

地址: Charleston, SC/Woodstock, NY

职业: Painter, etcher, lithographer

教育: St. Louis Sch. FA; ASL, with Chase, B. Harrison.

展出: PAFA, 1918; AIC; Scarab Club, 1921 (prize); Kansas City AI, 1922 (prize); Detroit IA, 1923 (gold), 1925 (prize), 1926 (prize); Mich. AI, 1923 (med.); Salons of Am., 1924; Chicago SE, 1924 (med., prize); SC, 1924 (prize); New Haven PCC, 1925 (prize); Palm Beach A. Center, 1935 (prize); NAD; AWCS; Phila. WCC; SAE; Prairie Pr.M.; Calif. Pr.M.; British Soc. Graphic Artists; Wash. WCC; SC; CMA; CGA; Baltimore WCC.

会员: British Soc. Graphic Artists, London; SAE; Chicago SE; Calif. Pr.M; Prairie Pr.M.; Southern Pr.M.; All. Artists Am.; NAC; AWCS; SC; Soc. Wash. Artists; Wash. WCC; Washington AC; North Shore AA; Rockport AA; Woodstock AA.

工作: AIC; Detroit IA; LOC; CMA; NYPL; LACMA; Municipal Gal., Phoenix, AZ; Nat. Mus.; Calif. State Lib.; Univ. Mich.; Colo. State Lib.; Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris; Herron AI; Gibbes Art Gal.; MMA; British Mus., London; Princeton Univ.; Harvard Medical Sch.; Lg. of Nations, Geneva; Pasteur Inst.; Art Gal. Toronto; Honolulu Acad. Arts; Illinois State College; FMA; Boston Pub. Lib.; Ashmolean Mus., Oxford, England; Woodstock AA.

评论: Position: dir., Carolina A. Assoc. School. Illustrator: How to Make Etchings, 1932.

来源: WW47; WW53; Fine Prints of the Year (annually); Alfred Hutty" (American Etchers Series, vol. 2); Gibson, Artists of Early Michigan, 142; Woodstock AA; Falk, Exh. Record Series.
