藝術家Lindsey DECKER (1923-1996) 生平簡歷

出生地: Lincoln, Neb.

地址: New York, NY

职业: Sculptor, teacher

教育: Iowa State Teachers Col.; Am. Acad. A., Chicago; State Univ. of Iowa, B.F.A., M.F.A.; and in Rome, Italy.

展出: PAFA, 1960; Sao Paulo Bienal, 1963; Ten American Sculptors" traveling exh., 1964; AFA traveling exhs., 1961-62, 1962-63, 1963-64; WMAA, 1956, 1960-65; MModA, 1959, 1960; Hanover Gal., London, England; PMA; Mus. Contemp. A., Houston; Los A. Mus. A.; BMFA; AIC, and others. One-man: Zabriskie Gal., N.Y., 1959-60, 1962; Gray Gal., Chicago, 1964; Forsythe Gal., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1961, and others. Awards: prizes, purchase prize, Detroit Inst. A., 1953, 1956; Italian Government Grant, 1957-58, 1958-59; Fulbright Fellowship (Italy), 1957-58, 1958-59; Research Grant, Michigan State Univ., 1954-55, 1960-61, 1962-63."

工作: Detroit Inst. A.; Cranbrook Mus. A.; Albion College (Mich.) and sculpture for Eastland Center, Detroit, Mich. Work in many private colls., U.S., Mexico, England and France.

评论: Positions: Instr., Sculpture, Cooper Union, Queens Col., Columbia Univ., N.Y. and Michigan State Univ., Univ. of Wisconsin.
