藝術家Boris ARTZYBASHEFF (1899-1965) 生平簡歷

出生地: Kharkov, Russia

地址: NYC and East Haddam, CT

职业: Illustrator, painter, designer, writer

教育: Tenishev Sch., St. Petersburg, Russia.

展出: in world wide exhibitions. Awards: prize, children's book, N.Y. Herald Tribune, 1937.

会员: Grolier Cl.; SI; Century Cl.; AIGA

评论: Auth./Illus., Seven Simeons," pub. Viking, "Poor Shaydullah," pub. Macmillan, other books . Illus., Time, Life and Fortune magazines, and for books by Edmund Wilson, Padriac Colum, Tagore, Balzac's "Droll Stories," and others. Edited and illus., "Aesop's Fables." Painter of portraits, particularly for Time magazine.

来源: WW53; WW47."
