藝術家Kent HAGERMAN (1893-1978) 生平簡歷

Personal data

Birth : 1893 - Ohio, United States
Death : 1978 - Lakeland FL Florida, United States
Sex : M
Nationality/Affiliation : United States


Cleveland Institute of Art – 11141 East Boulevard – Cleveland OH, United States
Université Paris Sorbonne – Paris, France

Professional data

Work and Life

1933:Moved to Lakeland FL, USA and set up a studio at his house on Cambridge Avenue.
He began his career producing newspaper and magazine illustrations.


Categorie and medium

Print-Multiple :

Solo Exhibitions (Selected)

Solo exhibitions


Kent Hagerman: Etchings of Florida
Polk Museum of Art – Lakeland FL, United States
05/18/2002 – 09/08/2002
