藝術家Roland PETERSEN (1926) 生平簡歷

出生地: Endelave, Denmark

地址: Davis, CA

职业: Painter, printmaker

教育: UC Berkeley (A.B., 1949, M.A., 1950); San Fran. AI, 1951; Calif. Col. Arts & Crafts, summer 1954; Atelier 17, Paris, France, 1950, 1963 & 1970, with Stanley W. Hayter.

展出: Illinois Biennial, Urbana, 1961-69; Carnegie Int., Pittsburgh, Pa., 1964; 25th Ann. Exhib. Contemp. Art, AIC, 1965; American Painting, VMFA, 1966-70; Trois Graveurs et Un Sculpteur, Ctr. Cult. Am., Paris, France, 1971; Staempfli Gal., NYC & Bednarz Gals., Los Angeles, CA, 1970s. Awards: Guggenheim fel., 1963; appointee, Inst. Creative Arts, Univ. Calif., 1967 & 1970; Fulbright travel award, 1970.

会员: Intercontinental Biog. Assn.; Calif. Soc. Etchers; SFMA

工作: MoMA; WMAA; PMA; Nat. Collection Fine Arts, Wash., DC; De Young Mem. Mus. Commissions: Dams of the West (portfolio of 25 color prints), US Dept. Interior, Bur. Reclamation, Wash., DC, 1970.

评论: Positions: mem. educ. process, Col. Lett. & Sci., Univ. Calif., Davis, 1965, mem. exec. comt., 1965-66. Teaching: instr. painting, Washington State Univ., 1952-56; assoc. prof. painting & printmaking, UC Davis, 1956-; instr. printmaking, UC Berkeley, summer 1965.

来源: WW73; Philip Leider, rev., in: Art in Am. (1963); Michael Benedikt, rev., in: Art News (1967); James Mellow, rev., in: Art Int (1967)
