A selection of Spanish artists from our marketplace


Artprice’s online marketplace is bristling with works by some of the best signatures of 20th century Spanish art. For example, look at this selection of works by Jaume Plensa, Miquel Barcelo, Antoni Tapies and Manolo Valdès, all key artists who have long been included in the permanent collections of the world’s most prestigious museums, including the Reina Sofia in Madrid and the MoMA in New York.

From the use of throwaway materials with Tapiès to the reinterpretation of art history with Manolo Valdès, these four artists represent essential moments in artistic creation, and you can discovery their works by visiting the online galleries of Daniel Cardani’s, Benlliure, MDA and Altair.



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Jaume Plensa (1955)
Selfportrait, 2006
Sculpture, marble, 90 x 50 x 100 cm
Daniel Cardani > Contact the gallery

Manolo Valdès (1942)
Infanta Margarita, 2003
Sculpture, bronze, 4/6, 117 x 104 x 73 cm
Benlliure Gallery > Contact the gallery

Antoni Tapies (1923-2012)
Untitled, 1960
Painting, 20 x 19 cm
MDA > Contact the gallery

Miquel Barcelo (1957)
Lanzarote 58, 2002
Aquatinte, 35 + 1 HC, 97 x 108 cm
Altair Gallery > Contact the gallery