Fiera di Bologna

(2008年01月24日 - 2008年01月28日)

Fiera di Bologna

The Italian appointment for the art

The 32nd edition of ARTEFIERA ART FIRST will be held in Bologna, Italy, from 24 to 28 January 2008. Thanks to the deep awareness of the international artistic changes, ARTEFIERA ART FIRST has consistently been able to understand the international artistic scenario, proposing in 1977 the first performance project with artists such as Marina Abramovic, Luther Price, Vito Acconci, Hermann Nitsch, and many others. ARTEFIERA ART FIRST operates a synthesis between the 20th and 21st century artistic movements and the most interesting examples of contemporary art, allowing a unique comparison of Italian and international art.
This year’s appointment occurs again through the over 200 prestigious galleries of Modern and Contemporary art from Italy and abroad, confirming itself as a reference point for the international art system.