20/21 British Art Fair

(2015年09月09日 - 2015年09月13日)


20/21 British Art Fair

Modern and Post-War Masters at the 20/21 British Art Fair

The 20/21 British Art Fair, the only fair which specialises exclusively in British art will take place from 9 - 13 September at the Royal College of Art, Kensington Gore, London SW7.

The fair is a key date for collectors of British art and continues to attract an enviably loyal following in London’s busy art fair calendar. Its particular strengths lie in the excellence and range of Modern (1900-1945) and Post-War art (1945 – 1970); however, the fair also has a wide selection of contemporary art (1970 onwards).

Each year the 55 exhibitors bring to their stands a great variety of work, often privately sourced and kept back especially for the fair. The result is a niche event that annually showcases a truly eclectic selection of paintings, prints, drawings, sculpture plus a stand dedicated to photography.

The Royal College of Art is an ideal setting for the fair and is often called ‘the spiritual home’ of British art. On offer will be work by most of the leading names in 20th century British art alongside a large selection of contemporary work, for example: Alan Davie, Elisabeth Frink, Patrick Heron, David Hockney, Howard Hodgkin, Peter Lanyon, Henry Moore, John Piper, Bridget Riley, Graham Sutherland and Keith Vaughan.

No other event covers so many aspects of British art – from Scottish Colourists, abstraction, surrealism, pop to conceptual, outsider and contemporary figurative and abstract art.

The price range is from a few hundred up to many thousands.

‘the British Art Fair has the reputation of being one of the happiest fairs of the year’ (Huon Mallalieu, Country Life, September 2015)

VENUE: ROYAL COLLEGE OF ART, Kensington Gore, London SW7 2EU

DATES: 10 – 14 SEPTEMBER 2014

TIMES: Wed: 3-9pm; Thurs: 11am-8pm; Fri/Sat: 11am-7pm; Sun: 11am-6pm

ADMISSION: £10 (concessions £6)

CONTACT: GAY HUTSON. T: +44 (0)20 8742 1611

E: info@britishartfair.co.uk

IMAGES: www.britishartfair.co.uk