Paolo AMBROSIO - Eventi dal mondo

艺术家 艺术家关键数字及市场趋势 Paolo AMBROSIO / 交易广场上的所有艺术品
作品类型 原作
作品名称 Eventi dal mondo
类别 绘画
创作技法 综合材料
签名 右下图
59.06 x 46.46 x 1.57 in
150 x 118 x 4 cm
开立证明书之单位/机构 Ambrosio Paolo
开立收据之单位/机构 Arkivio gallery
作品现状 优秀

IMAGE-ART is an artistic practice used by Ambrosio who since the 1970s has used the eye's ability to play on the act of GESTURE. Ambrosio shows the GESTURE that does not ask you to see but to identify the movement it has achieved. On the traces of the movement of the hand, an expressive form emerges, a SIGN that gives freedom to the GESTURE. The constant alternation in the use of toilet paper, despite the underlying irony and irreverent conceptuality, suggests the depth of the space. The GESTURE-SIGN is compared to a voice that calls the visitor in the suspended magic that that voice emanates

淘品信息编号 2825846
卖家类型 公司
国家和地区 ITALY (Torino)
费用 运交是卖方付款的
邮资 300
面对面交易 在50公里以内,可以面对面交付
包裹数量 1
重量 10.0 Kg

The buyer decides on the transport as best he can

500 €
500 € (559 $)
500 € (419 £)
500 € (3,940 ¥)