ArtMarket® Insight,艺术市场即时趋势报导



Flash News : Munich: Paper Positions expands and Highlights celebrates 10 years – Olafur ELIASSON at the Tate Modern [2019年10月11日]

Munich: Paper Positions expands and Highlights celebrates 10 years The first edition of the new POSITIONS Munich Art Fair will be held from 17 to 20 October 2019 at Reithalle Munich. Victim of its success, the fair has expanded to include works of Modern and Contemporary Art (all mediums combined) and a smaller section will […]

2019 年度当代艺术市场报告 [2019年10月07日]

蒂埃里·埃尔曼(Thierry Ehrmann),Art Market旗下子公司Artprice创始人兼总裁寄语 第21期当代艺术市场报告揭示了当前市场的真正活力:目前,全世界每年有7万多件当代艺术作品在拍场成交。这几乎是上世纪90年代初艺术市场的全部交易量。 Artprice报告采用完全相同的标准和始终如一的衡量方法,首先满足客观性和连贯性的要求,并且长期以来为大众提供绝对独特的艺术市场分析。因此,我们的工作有助于提高艺术市场的透明性和流畅性,提倡作品的可追溯性,并根据拍卖历史、供求状况以及综合所有现有资料,逐步并持续地观察作品在市场上构建价格的过程。 当代艺术不具备盲目的投机性。通常这一市场的收益率最高,因为作品本身的价值是随着艺术家作品的创作量及其在艺术史的地位,被逐渐创造出来。 Artprice报告针对当代艺术市场呈现出全面、清晰、准确的分析,补充了Artprice订阅内容中所提供的智能搜索和研究分析工具以及微观与宏观经济研究信息。它分析了当代艺术市场的所有健康指标,并总结了过去12个月中活跃在市场上的主要趋势。因此,本报告为艺术市场的所有参与者,包括业余爱好者和年轻收藏家,乃至专业人士和国际机构,提供了一项不可或缺的研究参考。它让每个人都能根据艺术市场及其地缘政治的演变,找到各自艺术收藏的定位。 收藏家们在天时、地利、人合的机缘下,购买对的作品。 当所有这些指标都达到最高水平时,交易便具有历史意义。 这就是匿名艺术家班克斯(Banksy)作品《权力下放的国会》(Devolved Parliament)的情况。该作品于2019年10月3日在伦敦苏富比以1,200万美元(990万英镑)的价格售出。 这是身价暴涨的艺术家的著名画作,但同时也是一幅描绘黑猩猩主宰英国议会,在英国退欧难以维持的情况下拍出的作品。 我相信,在一个正在扼杀一切独特性的社会中,当代艺术保持着特立独行的一面。 目录 总体情况 艺术市场的地缘政治 最佳拍卖行 身价最高的艺术家 非洲艺术家的突破 当代艺术品拍卖百强榜 当代艺术家前500强 2019 年度当代艺术市场报告

Flash News: Cimabue discovery – Zao Wou Ki and Sanyu masterpieces – A major de Staël to be offered [2019年10月04日]

Extraordinary Cimabue discovery… “Proud as the century in which he lived, he (Cimabue) perfectly depicted the faces of the people that populate his works, especially those of the elderly, portraying them in a strong and sublime manner that later artists were unable to capture”. (L. Lanzi, Storia pittorica della Italia). CIMABUE (c.1240/50-c.1302) on sale at […]

Frieze London week [2019年10月01日]

The first major international art fair of the season, Frieze London opens this week in Regent’s Park. More than 50,000 visitors are expected from 3 to 6 October in London for this 17th edition, mixing the most promising galleries with the most famous dealers, including Tanya Bonakdar, Sadie Coles, Hauser & Wirth, Gagosian, Blum & […]

Flash News: The “last” Botticelli – Jérémy Gobé & Andrea Mastrovito at the Bullukian Foundation – Degas at the Opera [2019年09月27日]

The “last” Botticelli A painting by Sandro BOTTICELLI (1445-1510) belonging to the Guardans-Cambó family of Barcelona and declared “an asset of cultural interest” in 1988 will leave Spain to be sold by the Trinity Fine Art Gallery during the Frieze Masters (4-6 October). According to the London gallery responsible for its sale, the portrait was […]

Sam Szafran’s unclassifiable work [2019年09月24日]

Sam SZAFRAN died on Saturday, 14 September 2019 at the age of 84. Born in Paris in 1934 to Polish-Jewish parents, he was one of the most important but least known French artists of his generation. Painter, drawer, pastellist, engraver, he described himself as “lucky” having escaped the mass arrest of Parisian Jews (Vél d’Hiv) in […]

Flash News: Peter Lindbergh – Antony Gormley at the Royal Academy – A work by Daniel Buren vandalised [2019年09月20日]

Phographer Peter Lindbergh (1944 – 2019) The German photographer Peter LINDBERGH – who died aged 74 on 3 September last – was among those – like Richard AVEDON and Helmut NEWTON – who made an impact on the history of images. A true master of his art, he forever changed the evolution of fashion photography and […]

Tribute to Vladimir Velickovic [2019年09月17日]

Vladimir Velickovic, who died of a heart attack on August 29, had just reached a new price level on the auction market and was preparing a major exhibition in France. Considered the most important Serbian painter of our time, Vladimir VELICKOVIC was also a significant figure in French painting as both countries contributed much to […]

Flash News: El Greco – Pandolfini masterpieces – Da Vinci at the Louvre [2019年09月13日]

A major El Greco exhibition Grand Palais, Paris: 16 October 2019 – 10 February 2020 Spectacular, colorful and sensual, the paintings of El Greco (Domenikos EL GRECO, 1541-1614) represent – according to Charlotte Chastel-Rousseau, curator of Spanish and Portuguese painting at the Louvre Museum – the “final bloom” of the Renaissance. And yet, neither the […]

15th Lyon Contemporary Art Biennale… in 8 days! [2019年09月10日]

This year the Lyon Biennale will be centered on the old Fagor factories in the Gerland district for the first time. Scheduled to open on 18 September and close on 5 January 2020, the Biennale has been titled “Where Water Comes Together With Other Water”, a reference to the geographical location of Lyon (confluence of […]

Takis the magician – The Eileen and I.M. Pei collection – Bouguereau for sale in Lyon [2019年09月06日]

Takis the magician (1925-2019) The art world lost two of its most illustrious representatives this summer: Carlos CRUZ-DIEZ (1923-2019) and then Vassilakis TAKIS (1925-2019)  who died at the age of 93. A nail floating motionless in space; a cylinder and a ball that seem to dance to the sound of a dreamlike music… works that seem to […]

The gender (im)balance in the art world: key figures [2019年09月03日]

In the fast-evolving segment of the Contemporary Art market, the relative value of works by female artists vs. male artists is growing rapidly. Several important women artists recently refreshed their personal auction records, including Lee Krasner (The Eye Is the First Circle, $11.6 million, at Sothebys on 16 May 2019) and Louise Bourgeois (Spider, $32 […]

Competition over Banksy – POSITIONS Berlin Art Fair [2019年08月30日]

Christie’s and Sotheby’s competing for Banksy The world’s two most powerful auction companies are now clearly surfing the banksymania wave! In the coming autumn season, each firm will be organizing an online sale dedicated to the art world’s most famous anonymous person, a year after the theatrical self-destruction stunt involving his Girl With Balloon getting half-shredded […]

The Zwirner Gallery in Paris, with Raymond Pettibon [2019年08月27日]

France generates around 2% of global secondary market turnover on Contemporary Art. That’s not much… but the French capital has lots of cultural assets which attract a constant stream of international tourists and collectors, as well as some major international galleries. The Thaddaeus Ropac gallery – already present in Salzburg and London – has now […]

Banksymania [2019年08月20日]

The most famous ‘street art graffiti artist’ of our era… and the British public’s favourite living artist… Banksy’s popularity has been confirmed on the Art Market.   According to a YouGov poll, the British prefer BANKSY to Picasso. The Street Art supremo has been named as Britain’s fourth favourite artist in art history… after Leonardo […]

Luc Tuymans… without appearing to be [2019年08月13日]

Luc Tuymans is enjoying good visibility this summer with a major exhibition at François Pinault’s Venetian Palace and his market has already reacted, bringing him into the top 100 most successful artists on the global secondary market. Although Luc TUYMANS’ starting point is often some kind of traumatic memory, he refuses to draw on easily […]

New Perspectives for South African Artists [2019年07月30日]

In auction terms, the bulk of the African art market is focused on the continent’s southern tip in Cape Town and Johannesburg via local sales companies such as Aspire Art Auction, Stephan Welz & Co., Strauss & Co. and Russell Kaplan Auctioneers. Although there is talk of a “boom” in activity, it is worth remembering […]

Robert Combas – ascension of one of France’s enfant terrible painters [2019年07月23日]

A leading light of the French ‘Figuration libre’ movement, Robert Combas began his artistic adventure in the Mediterranean coastal town of Sète in the 1970s. Forty years later, his latest auction record has confirmed him as one of the primary representatives of French painting on the Contemporary Art Market. Born in Lyon in 1957, Robert […]

Expressionism au féminin [2019年07月16日]

Less famous than Jackson Pollock or Mark Rothko, women artists like Joan Mitchell and Helen Frankenthaler made major contributions to American Abstract Expressionism. Their work is currently enjoying a significant revaluation on the art market. Who are the most sought-after (and the most expensive) American artists on the market? Names like Warhol and Basquiat immediately […]

The Art Market’s Blue-chip Artists Yield Nearly as Much as the Top Performing Companies in the American Economy [2019年07月15日]

thierry Ehrmann, Artprice’s founder/CEO, highlights the art market’s excellent performance in H1 2019: “A collector who, at the start of this year, invested in the 100 most successful artists of the last five years (2014-2018), would already be looking at a value accretion of almost a sixth in the value of his/her portfolio.” Artprice100(C) versus […]

Francis Bacon at the Pompidou Centre: the big autumn event in Paris [2019年07月09日]

Due to open on 11 September 2019, the Pompidou Centre has all summer to prepare one of the most anticipated exhibitions of the autumn: Francis BACON (1909-1992). A very singular creator (as his great friend Michel Leiris so aptly wrote, “Bacon painted the scream rather than the horror”), Francis Bacon is one of the most […]

Flash News: Wols “the mysterious” at Sotheby’s – Cindy Sherman in London [2019年07月05日]

Wols “the mysterious” at Sotheby’s Among the 42 lots in Sotheby’s London sale of Post-War & Contemporary Art on 26 June last, there was a painting by Otto WOLS (1913-1951) titled Vert Strié Noir Rouge (Green Stripe Black Red) (1946-47). Little is known about this German artist who worked in France and who died at […]

The “Toulouse Caravaggio” acquired privately! [2019年07月02日]

The public sale was scheduled for Thursday, 27 June at 18:00, Toulouse time. According to the Sale Conditions, anyone interested in acquiring the painting had to”register as a bidder at least 15 days before the sale.” As thierry Ehrmann explains, that meant that since 13 June at the very least, all the potential bidders were […]

Top 10 beach scenes [2019年06月28日]

As the summer season kicks in, Artprice takes a look at the Top 10 most-expensive beach paintings. Some of the art market’s most famous artists painted beach scenes… and some of these works are particularly appreciated by collectors. These week’s auction ranking takes a look at the market’s Top 10 most expensive beach scenes. At […]

Sotheby’s dominates London’s sales [2019年06月25日]

With a total of $125.5 million from 23 Impressionist & Modern Art lots on 19 June, Sotheby’s dwarfed its competition last week; Christie’s Imp-Mod total amounted to just $45.8 million.   Christie’s kicked off London’s June sales of Impressionist & Modern Art with a disappointing total (18 June). The world’s leading auction firm generated $45.8 […]

Flash News : Patrick Drahi’s acquisition of Sotheby’s – Rudolf Stingel at the Beyeler Foundation – Luc Tuymans at Palazzo Grassi [2019年06月21日]

Patrick Drahi’s acquisition of Sotheby’s confirms the Art Market’s entry into the digital era of the 21st century” thierry Ehrmann: “Patrick Drahi’s acquisition of Sotheby’s confirms the Art Market’s entry into the digital era of the 21st century. Artprice has always argued that the global Art Market – weighing roughly 90 billion dollars – was […]

Paris posts good results at its Spring Sales [2019年06月18日]

Over the last couple of weeks, Post-War and Contemporary art has generated very good auction results in Paris. The French ‘stars’ of the market like Nicolas de Stael, Pierre Soulages and the German-French artist Hans Hartung all performed well, while the Sino-French artists posted superb results having become increasingly attractive to international collectors. Christie’s owes […]

Art Basel special: focus on the Unlimited section [2019年06月14日]

Every other Friday Artprice posts an auction ranking highlighting the Art Market’s major trends. This week – dedicated to Art Basel – Artprice looks at the 10 most expensive artists in Basel Art Fair’s ‘Unlimited’ sector. Art Basel (13-16 June 2019), the world’s most prestigious Contemporary art fair, is currently in full swing, attracting tens […]

Art Basel. Contemporary Art’s biggest event kicks off [2019年06月11日]

Art Basel currently has three annual editions: Miami in December, Hong Kong in March and Basel in June. On 13 June, the world’s most famous fair for Modern and Contemporary art opens its doors to the public in the city of Basel for three intense days, offering artworks by some 4,000 international artists. A total […]

Events marking Gustave Courbet’s bicentennial could stimulate his market… [2019年06月10日]

Gustave Courbet was born on 10 June 1819 in Ornans, a small town in Franche-Comté that has been home to the Courbet Museum since 2013. This Monday, to mark the bicentennial of the birth of this major artist (more in terms of Art History than on today’s market…) the museum is opening an exhibition entitled […]
