The major prizes

Prizes are awarded to talented artists on a regular ba-sis all over the world. But only a handful of these prizes enjoy real international recognition, capable of ha-ving a major impact on an artist’s career. Among the most well-known are:

The Marcel Duchamp Prize

Awarded every year since 2000 by the ADIAF at the FIAC, it rewards a French artist or an artist living in France.

Prize money: €35,000 and a three-month solo exhibition at the centre pompidou plus financial support for the creation of a work and the publication of a catalogue / examples of winners: Dominique GONZALEZ-FOERSTER,Tatiana TROUVÉ, Latifa ECHAKHCH / next prize date: 24 october 2015 at the grand palais in paris.

The Turner Prize

Organised by the Tate Gallery every year since 1984, it rewards an artist under 50 working in the UK.

Prize money: £40,000 / examples of winners: Richard DEACON, Tony CRAGG, Anish KAPOOR, Damien HIRST, Wolfgang Tillmans, Laure PROUVOST / next prize date: 7 december 2015 at the glasgow Tramway

The Hugo Boss Prize

Attributed every other year (even numbers) since 1996 by New York’s Guggenheim, it rewards a living artist of any age.

prize money: $100,000 and a solo exhibition at the guggenheim / examples of winners: Matthew BARNEY, Douglas GORDON, Pierre HUYGHE, Tacita DEAN, Danh VO / next prize date: november 2016.

The Bucksbaum Award

Since 2000, the Whitney Museum rewards one of the artists presented in the framework of the Venice Biennale.

Prize money: $100,000 and an exhibition at the Whitney museum. / examples of winners: Raymond PETTIBON, Mark BRADFORD, Zoe LEONARD. / next prize date: may 2017.

The Golden And Silver Lion Awards

Initiated in 1895 at the first edition of the Venice Bien-nale, these awards took their current form in 1986 to honour several artists at each Biennale.

Prize: a statue / examples of winners: Jasper JOHNS, Gerhard RICHTER,Marina ABRAMOVIC, Thomas SCHÜTTE, Camille HENROT, El ANATSUI / next prize date: may 2017.

The major prizes